Yesterday French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he would come to Ireland to help campaign for the Lisbon Treaty to be accepted by Irish voters.
‘Mrs Merkel and I will do everything we can to help the Irish make the choice for Lisbon,’ he told a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Paris.
‘If it is of use, I would even be ready to travel to Ireland to support them,’ he said.
Legend in his own croque monsieur, I don’t think this is going to help a lot.
European Commissioner (and Vice President of the commission) Margot Wallstrom camped out here for a while talking to people and cutting through the bull might be a lot more effective. She’s in Ikea today in a live online townhall event hosted by Generation Yes. It all kicks off at 1.30pm and you can view the stream on their website. I hope to be able to watch it if the dentist is kind to me.
By the way Generation Yes are holding a bloggers briefing on Sunday – maybe see you there to find out what the story is on a new campaign group aimed at young people and encouraging them to vote yes in Lisbon 2.
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