A new non technical or legal term to refer to a dodgy member of the legal profession.
It seems we have a new Buachall Dána (bold boy) whom the Law Society are trying to deal with. Paul Anthony McDermott appearing for the Law Society in a case before the High Court today said that the solicitor who cannot yet be named owned significant amounts of money – a ‘hole’ of more than €1million in his client account’ which he was refusing to plug to date – don’t think he’ll find a plug that size in Woodies.
It’s not ‘a Lynn and Byrne situation’ because it’s not tens of millions of Euro such as the amounts owed by Michael Lynn (waves – any new music for me?) and Thomas Byrne. I’m sure you are all relieved. However you won’t hear the name of the solicitor yet because it might stop him from his attempts in getting the money to plug the hole. Does this mean if the hole is plugged that we won’t know who this person is and that he will continue to practice?? Ah lovely way to retain confidence in the profession. Judge Johnson gave the solicitor until tomorrow to show him the money.
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