Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Blogging the Election

October 7th, 2006 · No Comments · Blogging, Irish Media, Irish Politics, irishblogcon, irishelection2007, Social Media

And we’re off…. Blogging the Election is underway in Dublin’s Digital Hub. Little did I think when I wondered about the possibility of a conference on blogging the election last July that I would be sitting here today watching it/making itĀ happen.

Gathered are bloggers, want to be bloggers, politicians, and media analysts and others. The tag for the day is irishelection2007 and hopefully there will be photo’s, blogs, podcasts and video from the day available online in a few places.

Richard Delevan, one time blogger and now Business Editor of the Sunday Tribune is talking at the moment about blogging and the first ever panel of blogging politicians in Ireland will take place shortly.



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