At 10 am this morning in Committee Room 2, the Committee stage of the Civil Partnership Bill 2009 will reconvene. This is the stage where amendments are proposed and debated on the bill. The first part of these proceedings took place last month and saw a number of amendments tabled by the opposition. Some of […]
Entries Tagged as 'Equality'
Civil Partnership Bill Committee Stage reconvenes
May 26th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Equality, Irish Politics, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
Tags:Civil Partnership Bill·Debate·Government·Joint Oireachtas Committee·Oireachtas·Politics
Stamp duty and civil partnerships
May 20th, 2010 · 4 Comments · Equality, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
UPDATE GLEN have tonight issued a press release clarifying the situation following contact with the Department of Justice – it seems there is an error in the Irish Times report? An Irish Times article on Wednesday 19th May seemed to suggest that a proposed amendment to the Civil Partnership Bill would not exempt from stamp […]
Tags:Civil Partners·Civil Partnership Bill·Legislation·Marriage·Property·Stamp duty·Tax
Boston school excludes son of Lesbian couple
May 14th, 2010 · 5 Comments · Equality, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
Irish Priest James Rafferty has hit the headlines this week as it was revealed that it was his intervention with a Catholic school in Boston which resulted in an offer of a place to an 8 year old being rescinded due to the child’s lesbian parents. The school like most religious schools in the US […]
UK Election 2010 and people with disabilities
May 3rd, 2010 · Comments Off on UK Election 2010 and people with disabilities · Disability, Equality
The barrage of information from the UK Election campaign and constant polling of anything that moves (or doesn’t!) continues. Some of it is different though. The UK disability organisation and service provider Scope commissioned research of people with disabilities to see what issues are important to them and the results were published today. An online […]
Lesbianism, Prisons and absolute bunkum
April 26th, 2010 · 13 Comments · Equality, Social Policy
Did any of the many public figures who commented yesterday on the resignation of Kathleen McMahon as governor of the Dochas Centre in Mountjoy say anything about her comments on overcrowding causing an increase in lesbianism in the prison? Ms McMahon said the regime within the centre had been designed to treat women with dignity […]