The vote on the Social Welfare cuts in #budget10 is taking place tomorrow so that TD’s don’t have to get it in the neck when they go home at the weekend. I assume whatever happens with the vote that we might see a new version of this video and that the campaign won’t die down. […]
Entries Tagged as 'Equality'
The Poor Are Going to Pay
December 10th, 2009 · 8 Comments · Disability, Equality, Irish Politics
Miracles on Clyde Road
December 10th, 2009 · 8 Comments · Disability, Equality, Irish Politics, Recession
Tonight I’ve been delving into the book of estimates released today in addition to the budget which I was tweeting throughout the day. Isn’t it just miraculous when lots of agencies that deal with peoples lives and provide services directly to people are having their budgets slashed that one – the National Disability Authority (NDA) […]
Tags:Disability·Issues and Rights·Local government·National Disability Authority
Ahern rules out the ‘florist cop out’ amendment
December 4th, 2009 · 5 Comments · Equality, Iona Institute, Irish Politics, Same Sex Partnerships
Berfore the debate took place yesterday you may remember hearing that FF were having a special meeting with Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Dermot Ahern. The meeting was to discuss the possible inclusion of an amendment protecting those who do not want to offer services to those registering their civil partnership or being […]
Tags:#cpbill·Dáil Éireann·Irish Times·Law·Minister for Justice Equality and Law Reform
Changing Gender for financial gain?
December 1st, 2009 · 9 Comments · Equality, Green Party, Irish Politics
Some in Fianna Fáil think that those who wish to have their gender legally recognised as the gender they acquire do so for financial gain or to fiddle welfare systems. This is news to me! I don’t get how someone who changes their gender is better off financially (particularly as women still only earn 4/5ths […]
Tags:European Convention on Human Rights·Fianna Fáil·Green·Human rights·Law·Mary Hanafin·Republic of Ireland
The NAMA Agenda
November 25th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Equality
Overheard from the Equality and Rights Alliance Conference yesterday which I couldn’t attend – from one of the speakers Niall Crowley. It pretty much sums up this week, month and year for me. No Equality, Attack the public services, Mend the banks, Annihilate the community sector (PS: Outside the Box on RTE Radio 1 covered […]