Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mary Hanafin was doorstepped today by Newstalk (link to print version of their report is no longer available) about the Free Travel Pass issue following the publication of that article in the Irish Independent. As in the responses to other outlets she confirmed that the social welfare code was […]
Entries Tagged as 'Equality'
Social Welfare Policy under Equality Review
September 6th, 2008 · 6 Comments · Equality, Same Sex Partnerships
Tags:Free Travel Pass·Mary Hanafin·Minister for Social and Family Affairs·Social welfare provision
Irish Rail enforcing the ban on free travel for Same Sex Couples
September 1st, 2008 · 35 Comments · Equality, Homophobia, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
Irish Rail staff are being advised in the art of enforcing heterosexuality in regards to the pursuit of free travel in the state. In fact you could call them the Travel Stasi for then Minister Mary Coughlan and the current Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin. Some background In 2001 a gay pensioner […]
Tags:Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform·Mary Coughlan·Minister for Social and Family Affairs·Same-sex relationship·Social welfare provision
Mary Robinson criticises moves to merge Equality/Human Rights Agencies
August 26th, 2008 · 5 Comments · Equality
From Monday’s Irish Times Speaking yesterday, she said bodies like the Equality Authority were set up to fight for and defend human rights in Ireland and “need to be invigorated, not pared down on the cheapâ€?. “There should be no erosion of the powers of these bodies,â€? she said. “They should never be reduced by […]
AMEN are off their rockers – evidence exhibit #1033
August 19th, 2008 · 5 Comments · Equality, Irish Politics
Ah I know they say don’t given them oxygen but read the last line of the article by Ruadhán Mac Cormaic on the latest reaction on the possible merger of the Equality Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission. Laugh? Oh I giggled merrily otherwise if I had really spent time shouting at the screen […]
Keeping an eye on the ball. But what match are we playing?
August 15th, 2008 · 1 Comment · Equality, Irish Politics, LGBT, Social Policy
I’m keeping an eye to the ballot measure which will be voted on in California on gay marriage in November. Millions of dollars are rolling in on both sides of the campaign and lots of public service announcements etc. are being made. I found this (via Feministe) last nightfrom Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore reflecting on campaigns […]