Barry O’Neill (FG) pictured with Irish Soccer Internationals Shay Given and Seamus Coleman. Barry is a sports producer with RTE. (H/t Mark Tighe) So while I wait for photos of Brian O’Domhnaill to appear with Packie Bonner can we wonders who would Frank McBrearty be pictured with? Pearse Doherty?
Entries Tagged as 'Elections'
Donegal South West – a female candidate enters the race
November 11th, 2010 · 9 Comments · Elections, Irish Politics
Meet Anne Sweeney from the New Island Party who entered the Donegal South West bye-election race today as an independent candidate. Anne is running an internet campaign. She runs a small hotel in Dunfanaghy. Someone explain the oil wells? Or are the water pumps?
Tags:#dsw10·Anne Sweeney·Donegal South West·New Island Party
Donegal South West step up
November 4th, 2010 · 4 Comments · Elections, Irish Politics
Your time is now! Finally thanks to Pearse Doherty and Sinn Fein taking and winning a case that other political parties were to busy to do (or hadn’t thought it up themselves) the Government have been forced into moving the writ for a bye-election after 16 months. For the next three weeks you will be […]