I’ve been keeping a list of twitter accounts established by candidates in the General Election. It’s interesting to watch campaigns take shape and candidates find their feet online. Some use it to react to voters and national election/political issues, others talk about the feelings/opinions of voters that they are experiencing on the canvass. Many FG […]
Entries Tagged as 'Social Media'
Pravda in Mount Street
January 28th, 2011 · 4 Comments · Elections, General Election 2011, Irish Politics, Social Media
Tags:#ge11·Enda Kenny·Fine Gael·Twitter
The Audacity of Enda
January 15th, 2011 · 15 Comments · Elections, General Election 2011, Irish Politics, Social Media
Some think I’m unfair or obsessed with the subject so with the resumption of the new Fine Gael social media strategy I waited 24 hours to comment and watched many of the rest of Ireland on the internet dissolve into a mixture of mirth and disbelief. How lucky are we!!! For free you can download […]
Tags:#fghack·Enda Kenny·Fine Gael
Candidate Video #2 – Eoghan Murphy
January 15th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Blogging, Elections, General Election 2011, Irish Politics, Social Media
Eoghan Murphy FG, Dublin South East (and yup the guy in the seat with the glasses in that pic) is all about the ‘new’ media, his website, his twitter, his facebook, his blog, and here’s his campaign launch video. (He has a whole youtube channel recently launched with all his recent media appearances on it!)
Why was the Fine Gael website hacked?
January 10th, 2011 · 6 Comments · General Election 2011, Irish Politics, Social Media
Fine Gael are saying that they do not know why their website was hacked. (as per Paschal Donohue’s appearance on Six One News this evening.) In the statement that was sent this morning to Kevin Doyle, political correspondent in the Evening Herald, the hackers explained why. They also sent Kevin a copy of the database […]
Fine Gael, Brazil and Ravi Singh
January 4th, 2011 · 40 Comments · Elections, General Election 2011, Irish Politics, Social Media
As we know from the last time Fine Gael launched a website things are never as they seem and techies and website developers discovered that Fine Gael had a little help for their design from a freelancer who used BBC code in the design. It is no different with the site launched today according to […]
Tags:Fine Gael·PDSB·Ravi Singh