Just finished watching the Primetime special on Declan Ganley, had to keep reminding myself it was a special on the founder of Libertas and not a certain runaway solicitor (yup am waiting for that one! – it’ll be a popcorn and champagne night.)
Katie Hannon has been busy chasing leads and putting questions to Ganley, Nunn and McGuirk. I liked her style but could have done with less of the scary music!!
After a tour of Eastern Europe including Albania and Latvia and a lot of talk about contracts and deals and non deals in the USA we find out the Standards in Public Office Commission are on the hunt (performing an investigation under Irish Law on the sources of funds of third parties) for the source of the money for Libertas, the loan from Ganley in particular – but Ganley thinks SIPO are part of the Brussels conspiracy that is out to get him and is going legal. (Every rumour or story seems to emanate from Brussels – I worry if Brussells is such a terrible place why is Mr. Ganley headed there shortly!)
So have you seen it? Your thoughts?? Gavin does not understand why Ganley gets Primetimed about his finances and not the other political parties…
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