Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Hillary Clinton and Northern Ireland

March 10th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Feminism, US Election 2008

Expect a lot of talk about Hillary and her foreign policy experience this week. Especially on Northern Ireland. (And very little discussion on how much experience Obama actually has as is the way in this Campaign that he can do little wrong.)

Her website says this:

She has continued to advance peace in Northern Ireland by maintaining close ties with Irish leaders and promoting business partnerships between Northern Ireland and the United States.

She told an audience in New Hampshire in January

“I went [to Northern Ireland] more than my husband did. I was working to help change the atmosphere among people because leaders alone rarely make peace. They have to bring people along who believe peace is in their interests. I remember a meeting that I pulled together in Belfast, in the town hall there, bringing together for the first time Catholics and Protestants…”

The fact checkers have been out including the Washington Post and they think she’s overstating it a bit.

Lord Trimble (Nobel prize winner according to the Telegraph– though not the most enthusiastic as I remember and now a Conservative – but was he ever not) is definite in his appraisal of Ms. Clinton’s contribution. He said that she is a ‘wee bit silly’ with her claims. Oh you can hear him telling her to make the fecking tea while she’s at it.

Slugger O’Toole’s crew are mulling it over with their memories. I remember the tea pot, the speeches, the hugs and the hype over the visits. I’m sure women politicians and activists have a lot more to impart about her support and backing for their initiatives but they won’t be listened to in the din.

But if we are going to go over Hillary and Ireland stories, how’s about Finola Bruton’s speech upstaging her in Dublin and causing major upset to the women present! Do we remember that one!



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