Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

If it’s Thursday it must be a brethern day

April 24th, 2009 · 3 Comments · eejit.., Irish Politics

When word went out earlier that Jim Corr was going to be on the Last Word on Todayfm you could hear radio switches click and kettles boil in anticipation. It is nearly a year since we were all agog listening to Jim’s intervention into the Lisbon Treaty Campaign.

Well Jim was back today to tell Matt Cooper he was right and the world is imploding – and we’ll end up with a world government, world currency and some sort of global domination and control freakery. You can listen to it here.

Now this interview was only one part of my audio feast today because as I slumbered this morning I happened to wake up to the Northside tones of one Royston Brady on Newstalk with Ger and Claire. (No sign of Ivan yet thank goddess, Ger Gilroy is bravely battling on – more about eh, Ivan, eh soon!)

Now if you think a Corr Brother is a bit off the wall well a Brady Brother is not too far behind if you listen to this assessment (file embedded below). McCreevy is wanted back for a start, and Royston likes New Labour (whoever they were) if Fianna Fáil won’t have him back. (I noted that Ger or Claire tweeted that Royston was being very indiscreet off air – he continued on air in such a manner also. Actually I wonder if Royston is looking to be the tabloid Noel Whelan!)

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