Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Maman Poulet Nerve Severed Links

July 23rd, 2008 · 7 Comments · linkiness

Mulley suggests we find our own fluffy links while he apartment hunts in Dublin (not true but it should be!!) – and as I’m a bit brain fogged link is all I can do (that previous post on the Airport was programmed ahead for my hospital sojourn.)

  • First to a fluffy link refluffied which is the best thing to come out of Irish blogging in months! Lidl Treats is a new blog talking about the things you can buy in Lidl and what you can do with them! It’s very well designed, clearly written and has great pictures/graphics. I am not shy about my affection for Lidl and Aldi and my creativity with the items I purchase there and it’s great to see blogging used in this way to help convert the rest! Kate is putting it up to us today with a €50 a week for 2 shopping challenge!
  • Senator Clinton (ah yes she’s still around you know – and not doing my head in like Obama is!)guest blogs about the Bush Administration and it’s interference with women’s health (again!) by trying to extend the definition of abortion to include emergency contraception and other contraceptive procedures.
  • Temperatures in Drogheda are rising regarding the management of a children’s summer camp – tells us more.
  • World By Storm over at the Cedars ponders the recent changes in payment procedures announced by the Department of Social and Family Affairs.
  • In other recession blogging you might keep an eye to Michael Taft’s Notes from the Front which recently turned into the Recession Diaries – excellent reflections of a political economic nature.

Finally I’m planning something soiree like for the night of the US election (Virgo – obsessive organisational and pre-planning trait) if you want to know more leave a comment. In my perfect world it will be wired up with lovely sofas, lots of space great food, multiple tellies etc. etc.

If you’d like to sponsor it/help organise even better! Contact details are up the top – right hand side.

Zemanta Pixie


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