Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Jobs Initiative – will it work and how it’s unattainable for some

June 29th, 2011 · Disability, Irish Politics, Newsdump, Recession

Today was JobBridge day.  The National Internship Scheme announced as part of the Jobs Initiative was launched by Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton and An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny.

The new programme is not dissimilar to the Work Placement Programme which I commented on last month, apart from the extra €50 payment to interns. Even Tesco are in on the act despite the shenanigans I mentioned on their Town Planner ‘job’.  Those on Work Placement Programme and Gradlink can transfer over so at least they get €50 extra a week.  The website outlines the protections for interns and responsibilities of the ’employers’ and a monitoring/compliance process. All the big names mentioned as taking part can afford to hire staff but are hosting interns and not having to pay a penny for the labour offered by the desperate.  Minister Burton mentioned that it was like job interview for a longer period of employment.  Laura Slattery notes that this will place interns under huge pressure as the 9 months runs down.

My inbox is full of statements from TD’s  welcoming the initiative and encouraging ‘organisations’ to participate.  One of them (Eoghan Murphy, FG Dublin South East, shame on you)  bemoans the fact that he can’t hire an intern so ”that we can give greater time and effort to matters of national importance.”  Yup he wants a lackey- he has one already you know (not under the JobBridge) – ‘I currently have one intern and he is doing excellent work; I could do with another.’

As Deputy Murphy is not a legal entity he can’t hire an intern through Job Bridge says the Mnister.  But Deputy Murphy is not put off by this and wants the Houses of the Oireachtas to do the hiring for him.

Barry Cowan  (FF, Laois/Offaly aka the brother)  thinks that organisations who have no employees should be able to take on interns – ie. those who have CE workers or no money to hire their own staff eg. all those organisations in the voluntary sector who lost their funding in the last 3 years.  He accuses Minister Burton of missing an opportunity. What opportunity is that?  One of looking busy, working with nobody and with no supervision?

Good luck to those looking for work and taking up courses or internships, I hope they are successful periods and that full paid employment follows and that those companies who might/will abuse the programme are publicly named and shamed.  I don’t think that companies should get interns for nothing and find myself in agreement with IBEC who had called for them to be supported financially by the employers.

One impact of the Jobs Initiative and retraining programmes which has received no mention to date is the exclusion of many disabled people.

Springboard which is a further education initiative for the longterm unemployed and Job-bridge both excludes people who are in receipt of Disability Allowance.  Many people with disabilities are on Disability Allowance because with it comes supports for people’s disabilities including Free Travel, Mobility Allowance and Household Benefits package.   Having a disability costs money – more that the cost of ‘simply’ being unemployed and requiring welfare support.  There are often extra housing, transport, food, laundry, heating costs relating to ones disability – charging electric wheelchairs is not cheap either.  (However if you are not living alone you may not get the extra benefits and all of this is apart from the difficulties presented in getting support services including personal assistance.).

So if you lost your job and you have a disability many people are more likely to reapply for Disability Allowance because the additional benefits in some way recognised some of the extra costs.  If you went to college and graduated and were on Disability Allowance all the time you are in college you are more likely to remain on it while you are looking for work.

The government have decided that those on DA cannot apply for internships or Springboard.  They must transfer to Job Seekers Allowance or Benefit. I placed a formal query with the department and received this reply.

Springboard places are available to customers who have been in receipt of a Jobseeker’s payment or One-Parent Family Payment for the six months before the start date of the course.  Periods on Disability Allowance also count towards the six months.  Once a customer moves to a Jobseeker’s payment from a Household Benefit qualifying scheme, the Household Benefits and Free Travel entitlement ceases and no underlying entitlement exists when undertaking a Springboard placement.

In plain english this means that if someone on Disability Allowance transferred to Job Seekers they would lose everything extra if they wanted to retrain under Springboard.

On the JobBridge front the Department said the same.

The National Internship Scheme will be available to individuals who are on the Live Register and have been in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’s Benefit or signing for jobseeker’s credits for at least 3 months.

Disability Poverty Trap (Image courtesy of Crip Confessions)

The poverty trap regarding disability continues.  The government have been told over the past 20 years about the cost of disability and it’s impact on the choices of  people with disabilities in taking up employment and that if you are not able to work that Disability Allowance is inadequate to support disabled people.  There’s no recruitment in the civil or public service which was the safety net by way of quota for many with disabilities.  Even if are lucky enough to get a job and brave enough to make the jump you lose everything that might have covered the extra costs of your disability.  There is no Disability Living Allowance or tax relief to cover the extra transport, energy costs, clothing etc. that many people have.  (I lost my medical card when I found a job 4 years ago and am very lucky I am well paid enough to cover drugs, equipment, transport, GP and hospital charges – it’s my disability tax rather than tax relief.)

In the effort to manage the live register and deal with the long term employment figures it’s clear despite meetings/protests on the issue that the government have excluded those people who are unemployed and on Disability Allowance who would be ‘capable’ of work from their initiative.

Last week the Minister for Social Protection announced the establishment of an expert committee on Tax and Social Welfare.  Sadly it won’t be dealing with the disability poverty trap either.  The cycle of exclusion will continue as the greater numbers of able bodied unemployed need managing and policy on support of smaller numbers of people with disabilities beyond education languishes in a report or not even considered at all.


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The emails that Jackie Healy-Rae sent

June 28th, 2011 · Irish Politics

We now know that 3636 premium phone calls were made from Leinster House supporting Michael Healy-Rae in the Celebrities Gone Wild reality show in 2007 at a cost of €2639.

In the week the show was broadcast several emails were sent by Jackie Healy-Rae from his Oireachtas email account to TD’s, Senators and others in Leinster House.  No doubt Jackie and Michael will say they had supportive colleagues.  But that would mean for example each TD or senator made up to or more than 16 calls each?   Highly unlikely.   Maybe the Oireachtas could confirm when the calls were made, it’s hard to believe that they can’t tell us who made them, even 4 years ago.

Jackie Healy Rae/Oireachtas
24/10/2007 16:21   

I am asking for your support for my son Michael Healy-Rae who is at present taking part in the 2007 RTE People in Need Telethon.
As you are aware this is a very good cause.

Please text   wild michael 53125 or ring 1513717107

This was followed two days later.

Jackie Healy Rae/Oireachtas
26/10/2007 11:23   
I am asking for your support for my son Michael Healy-Rae who is at present taking part in the 2007 RTE People in Need Telethon.

This is the last night and Michael has gone through all the challenges so far now the end is in sight. Michael is one of the three remaining contestants and he has a real chance to win this I am asking each and everyone to vote for Michael today.

As you are aware this is a very good cause and a lot of money has been raised for people in need.

Please text   wild michael 53125 or ring 1513717107.


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Campaign ethics are not alone about funding or homophobia

June 26th, 2011 · Disability, Irish Politics

It would be an understatement to say that the Presidential campaign is boring and annoying me at the same time.  Apart from the continual reinterpretation of the constitution and the promises to have conversations, change, create jobs (Niall O’Dowd), protect the unborn (Mitchell) the way in which hopeful candidates are broadcasting everything as they open an envelope or visit or  for example meet with  people with disabilities is getting tiresome.

Earlier this year I picked David Norris up on the way in which he praised (via twitter) staff working with people with disabilities after visiting a residential centre.  It was a mix of the poor unfortunates with the how wonderful the staff are which got me – staff should be doing a good job and we should expect no less and the Presidency is one for all the people and not just for those who can vote.  Norris or a member of his team said they did not intend to be interpreted that way.

Maybe it is not surprising if one’s experience of disability is continually launching charity initiatives and speaking at fundraisers.  The recession has definitely removed what rights ethos surrounding disability there was and reintroduced the charity bucket and opportunity to go before the cameras.

Now the Special Olympics are taking place in Greece and it brings more  ethical concerns about the use (overt or otherwise) of the disabled in campaigning. 

The Special Olympics movement would not be as big and successful as it is in Ireland and Europe without the efforts of Mary Davis however it now appears that she and her campaign are going to use the day job to (tweet) remind us of how wonderful she is. And how she can meet important/famous people and look good on ‘the job’.

As the games progress one would hope that Ms. Davis would use the time to promote the efforts of the athletes rather than that of the candidate or else just get on with her job and we’ll see her back on the campaign trail next week.  

The entire presidential campaign so far is all about the egos of the candidates with Avril Doyle and her ‘basket of talents’ the latest to enter the fray to astound us with her wares (and nark about ‘new’ fine gaelers like Cox and McGuinness while she is at it!)

It appears to be too much to hope that this campaign will be free of candidates doing good works and visiting and mentioning the unfortunates and patting communities on the back.

While it is essential to have confidence when running for public office the office of President is fast losing it’s respect by the conduct of the campaign and ‘visions’ being launched by candidates.

Update: Before even getting a chance to watch an Irish competitor win the first medal for the team, Mary Davis has returned home.  Athens loss is Sligo’s gain as she goes to speak with them informally.   Job done eh?


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Spotted at Dublin Pride

June 25th, 2011 · Equality, Irish Politics, LGBT

Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn accompanied by Deputies Kevin Humphreys and John Lyons with the President of the Irish National Teachers Organisation Noreen Flynn and members of the INTO LGBT group.   (Pic: K Mulhern)

So that work is going well regarding Section 37 Minister?


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Hope they brushed their teeth

June 25th, 2011 · Irish Media, MSM

You will no doubt have heard about that ad, either by reading blog posts or hearing debates on radio.

What you may not have known is that the brand’s PR company are sending crates of the stuff to media organisations all over town so that the more people talk about it the more the presenters, researchers etc. are rewarded with free product.

Bias and ethics eh? Has anyone sent it back?

Me, I’m drinking Finches from now on if I bother and no I don’t want any of it for nowt thanks very much.


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