So the holiers were blissful and I return post ‘C’mon Everybody‘. What did I miss? Gwan fill me in!?
28 degree Tenerife turned into freezing Dublin quickly enough today and I had my first hot chocolate of the ‘season’. Whilst waiting for herself to emerge from Butlers on Henry Street I had a first. I was sitting in the Mothership aka mobility scooter, loaded up with shopping bags having a smoke, snuggled up in my fleece thinking about my sunburn. A man in his early 50’s approached, fumbling in his pocket and produced a load of change in his hand. He looked at the basket of the scooter trying to locate the collection box. There wasn’t one – he looked at me. I exhaled in a cloud of smoke – ‘I’m not collecting’.
The money quickly went back into the pocked, he shuffled off mortified…I laughed cos it was a first and there was nothing else I could do. I would hope the next time he sees someone with a disability, he doesn’t reach for his fecking pocket. But that would be hoping for far too much.
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