Any day now someone will call for the Civil Partnership Bill to be gender proofed. Because surely as it stands by not recognising families and family responsibilities one group is being favoured over others? Even Glen (did you see the lowercase on the len bit?- I’m taking the lead from the paper of record) are […]
Entries Tagged as 'Gay Lesbian and Bisexual'
‘Especially Women’
June 29th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Green Party, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
Tags:#cpbill·Gay Lesbian and Bisexual·LGBT·Same-sex marriage·Same-sex relationship
Civil Partnership some initial observations…
June 27th, 2009 · 5 Comments · Equality, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships
Firstly for those people who’ve waited for the moment the state actually recognises their relationship and offers a chance to get their affairs in order I’m sure yesterday was a very good day and by the end of the year or early next year there will be a lot of people queuing up to get […]
Tags:Gay Lesbian and Bisexual·Lesbian·Marriage·Mary Hanafin·Minister for Social and Family Affairs·Sexual orientation
Cuffe promises Civil Unions Bill by July
June 4th, 2009 · 11 Comments · Marriage Equality, Same Sex Partnerships
A Tweet sent by Green TD Ciaran Cuffe last night in reaction to another US state legalising same sex marriage. So we have a whiff of a date for the publication of legislation on civil unions in Ireland. And we hear about it a day before the local and European Elections. Of course all the […]
Tags:Civil union·Gay Lesbian and Bisexual·Ireland·Same-sex marriage
Single Issue LGBT Candidates in Irish Elections – a (very) brief history
May 25th, 2009 · 8 Comments · Elections, Irish Politics, LGBT
Lisa Connell is standing as an Independent LGBT Candidate in Dublin South West Inner City/Dublin 8 area of Dublin City Council. Lisa is not the first independent LGBT candidate to contest an election in Ireland – the first I believe was Liz Noonan who ran as a Lesbian Feminist Candidate in 3 Dáil elections in […]
Tags:Dublin·Gay Lesbian and Bisexual·LGBT·LGBT social movements·Lisa Connell·Tonie Walsh
Adoption Bill excludes same sex couples
February 24th, 2009 · 8 Comments · Equality, LGBT, Same Sex Partnerships, Social Policy
The Government published proposed legislation last month which discriminates against lesbian and gay couples and heterosexual non marital couples also. In the month since it’s publication I have seen one article in the Irish Times and one reaction from any of the lesbian and gay organisations. I’ve no idea why groups have been so silent […]
Tags:Adoption·Civil Partnership Bill·Gay Lesbian and Bisexual·Law·LGBT adoption·Sexual orientation