Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

Entries Tagged as 'Ronan Mullen'

Rónán Mullen is still responding

April 23rd, 2012 · 7 Comments · Abortion

Rónán Mullen wrote this evening to his supporters about the last few days and the accusations that have been made online and in ‘mainstream’ media. His mailbox must have been jumping. I thought you might like to see the spin. Some of it will be deeply hurtful to the parents who have come forward in […]




Finance Bill No. 3 enters the Seanad

July 14th, 2011 · 2 Comments · Equality, Irish Politics, Same Sex Partnerships

It’s nearly there – the Finance Bill No. 3  2011 which deals with the tax affairs of civil partnerships (and children of civil partners) has passed all stages of the Dáil and is now in the Seanad for consideration.   It passed the second stage yesterday.  The debate which took place can be read here. There […]




Seanad Election 2011 – Candidate Video #1

March 11th, 2011 · 4 Comments · Uncategorized

In case you were getting withdrawal symptoms there is another election in progress and we have videos from candidates.  It would be an infringement of readers rights if I didn’t share them with you wouldn’t it? First up well it was either going to be first or last but I could not deny him a […]




Ronan Mullen is going to Rome

July 5th, 2010 · 5 Comments · Irish Politics

Not permanently or anything but he has been invited to visit the Italian Senate in the autumn together with Paul Bradford and Billy Timmins (FG TD’s) and a government minister (as yet unnamed). The invitation was delivered by members of the Italian community living in Ireland during a recent tour of Leinster House. The invitation […]


