So the papers and TV and radio news were full of reports at the weekend that gay couples who have had their relationships recognised abroad will be able to have those relationships recognised here whenever the legislation is passed recognising same sex relationships.
Ah yes safe lovely cuddly couples who can financially contribute to the country and are being dissuaded from coming home to make their millions or demonstrate their talents (for what singing? actually maybe we could finally win the Eurovision if the state recognised same sex relationships!). Seriously…watch the GLEN spokes person in the news report on RTE from Saturday night (report titled Civil Partnership Reports Welcomed)
The issues raised about the lack of recognition by the couple affected are all very genuine of course – and if we could see their plight amonst all the others then maybe so many lesbians and gay men would not feel so dissaffected by those who claim to represent our views.
There are far more couples out there with one member at risk of deportation due to non EU resident status (and non recognition) who have not got any form of relationship recognition or marriage certificate. There are even more again who look like being dropped by both the lesbian and gay movement and politicians in the debates in the months to come. Those are the couples with children or with parenting intentions.
It’s time we started acknowledging how this campaign is going to be managed and dressed up in pink fluffy bows…no lavender there at all and not a babies bottle in sight. And as for poverty and disadvantage …oh but a distant memory.
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