Maman Poulet | Clucking away crookedly through media, politics and life

You’d think they would give up gracefully

November 21st, 2010 · 1 Comment · Elections, Irish Politics

But no this is Fianna Fáil, the weekend before a bye-election. Eamon O’Cuiv who is director of elections for the bye election and his party are exhorting members to phone and email their friends who live in Donegal South West. They also encourage the use of Facebook and twitter – ah FF finally using social media to it’s full potential when nobody is feeling very social towards them.

Members are told to ‘Expose the alternative’.

“Explain that it’s the local issues that matter most to Brian: “This is about the recovery in Donegal, not politics as usual in Dublin. We need to have an honest campaign about the future.”

So there you  are – Politics as Usual are not a good thing admit FF. Previous campaigns have not been honest.

And neither is this one lads.


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